Search found 18 matches

2013/11/11 16:26:00 UTC
Forum: General
Topic: You are NEVER hooked in.
Replies: 996
Views: 614187

Re: You are NEVER hooked in.

Good to be reminded of this one Tad. Thanks! I haven't towed a hangie in a while, but the subject comes up about ever three months though. I like the "double pump" signal to prove hook in.
2012/12/12 15:48:48 UTC
Forum: General
Topic: Broken arm Saturday for discussion
Replies: 34
Views: 85866

Re: Broken arm Saturday for discussion

Lol. Yep. I bet he doesn't pop his nose on launch either.
2012/12/12 14:04:46 UTC
Forum: General
Topic: Broken arm Saturday for discussion
Replies: 34
Views: 85866

Re: Broken arm Saturday for discussion

Bryan never came back to un-powered foot launching. He bought a motor and a trike and only flies it now.
2012/08/27 03:42:47 UTC
Forum: General
Topic: Broken arm Saturday for discussion
Replies: 34
Views: 85866

Re: Broken arm Saturday for discussion

I haven't heard from him in a couple of months, but he was healing great then and hoped to be back in the air before fall of this year.
2012/02/27 03:44:08 UTC
Forum: General
Topic: Broken arm Saturday for discussion
Replies: 34
Views: 85866

Re: Broken arm Saturday for discussion I talked to Bryan today and he wants to fly again after the three breaks in his humerus heal. We shall see.....I couldn't tell yet if all the lessons have been learned that I hope were learned, but he did say he ap...
2012/02/21 00:25:36 UTC
Forum: General
Topic: Broken arm Saturday for discussion
Replies: 34
Views: 85866

Re: Broken arm Saturday for discussion

Meaning he foot launched. Do they not have or provide a dolly? Bryan trained with Mark on a dolly, and I'm guessing they never taught him foot launching theory as pulling from the shoulders on foot launching is tricky. There is a dolly available about an hour away from town that we all share, but t...
2012/02/20 14:49:54 UTC
Forum: General
Topic: Broken arm Saturday for discussion
Replies: 34
Views: 85866

Broken arm Saturday for discussion

I watched a friend break his arm Saturday and take out the downtubes of his Falcon 3 170 and wanted to get some ideas from you guys on how you deal with situations that you know are going to end badly, but the pilot doesn't want to listen. My buddy went out to Arizona last month to get his surface t...
2011/04/15 14:15:50 UTC
Forum: General
Topic: Video of surface tow, foot launching with Hewett bridle
Replies: 7
Views: 6146

Re: Video of surface tow, foot launching with Hewett bridle

It was worrisome to me, but his father (a master rated pilot and advanced instructor)... Bill Cummings? No, Mel Glantz ( Gregg Ludwig is coming out next weekend to teach me what he knows. Anything I should be expecting him to say that will make me scream? I'll stifle my scr...
2011/03/07 19:47:17 UTC
Forum: General
Topic: Video of surface tow, foot launching with Hewett bridle
Replies: 7
Views: 6146

Re: Video of surface tow, foot launching with Hewett bridle

Oh, and he used a 2 loop, string release at the towline connection point and we had an 8m sutton flow form kite on the end of the line to keep the line off the dirt during rewind.
2011/03/07 19:40:11 UTC
Forum: General
Topic: Video of surface tow, foot launching with Hewett bridle
Replies: 7
Views: 6146

Video of surface tow, foot launching with Hewett bridle I towed him once solo and once with his student tandem. It was worrisome to me, but his father (a master rated pilot and advanced instructor) walked us all through it and who am I to argue with a master/advanced in...