instructors and other qualified pilot fiends

General discussion about the sport of hang gliding
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Tad Eareckson
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Re: instructors and other qualified pilot fiends

Post by Tad Eareckson »
Fatality @ Slide Mountain Nevada
Davis Straub - 2015/06/28 19:36:02 UTC

Jesus H. Christ.
I have worked for years to promote safe hang gliding in areas that help pilost remain safe and have a great time.
- With the same care and competence you employ in composing sentences like that one.

- Which years? And how many years have you worked to promote dangerous hang gliding in areas that help pilost remain dangerous and have a really shitty time?

- Cite some of your most outstanding successes. Try to keep things down to ten of fifteen pages so we don't go blind reading them.

- Let's hear some testimonials from grateful pilots alive today only due to your tireless efforts. Try to keep those down to twenty pages.

- If these safety promotions are such great ideas then how come the only way you can get pilots to comply is to exclude them from competitions otherwise.

- I notice you're saying PROMOTE safe flying. Nothing about advancement, innovation, reform. Reminds me a lot of:
USHPA - About the Association
Mission Statement

USHPA's mission is to ensure the future of free flight.

The association will pursue its mission through:

A. Advocacy. USHPA will interact, proactively when possible and reactively when required, with agencies, organizations and individuals whose interests affect our sport.

B. Communication. Externally, USHPA will advance the positive awareness of hang gliding and paragliding among the non-flying public. Internally, the organization will cultivate a culture of communication and transparency.

C. Community. USHPA will promote a sense of community among members both locally and nationally.

D. Flying sites. USHPA will support the development of new flying sites and the preservation of existing sites.

E. Learning. USHPA will support learning, in part by providing an organizational framework for instructor and pilot training and certification.

F. Safety. USHPA will steadily foster a culture of safety.
Entirely about PRESERVING it in the state of perfection it attained twenty or thirty years ago. Not one syllable anywhere about ADVANCING anything.

- What the fuck does:
I have worked for years to promote safe hang gliding in areas that help pilost remain safe and have a great time.
mean? What's it saying different from / supplemental to:
I have worked for years to promote safe hang gliding.
or for that matter:
I have worked for years to promote safe flying.
What's the strategy there? Throw in as many meaningless bullshit terms as possible to give the impression to your weak minded constituents...
Zach Marzec
Deltaman - 2013/02/16 22:41:36 UTC

How is that possible to write so much ..and say NOTHING !?
...that you're actually very intelligent? That all those concussions really IMPROVED your wiring?
Belinda and I were roped into running the Big Spring Nationals in order to help pilots when the previous organizer quit at the last minute.
Poor Belinda and I. Roped into running the Big Spring Nationals in order to help pilots without even the hope of a weak link provided by the meet organizers tied so that it more likely breaks at its rating breaking strength to reduce your risks of bad consequences.
We run the Big Spring Nationals as a service to pilots.
Good, And I so do hope that the pilots who go there get exactly the service they deserve and should've come to expect a decade or two ago.
Perhaps you should quit sniffing that glue.
Yeah, that's in fact very serious and will have lifelong effects. It changes your wiring.
2015/06/28 19:40:07 UTC - 3 thumbs up - Comet
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Re: instructors and other qualified pilot fiends

Post by Tad Eareckson »
Fatality @ Slide Mountain Nevada
Paul Hurless - 2015/06/28 20:26:06 UTC

Yes, ad.

What else could it be called? If you really think it had anything to do with the topic then you are the one who is sniffing glue.
What's it matter? The concussions have already done any of the tricks missed by the genetics.
NMERider - 2015/06/28 20:49:13 UTC

It would have been more tactful to simply start another thread on the Big Spring Nationals topic and just keep it separate.
And we all know just how DEEPLY concerned Davis is regarding issues of TACT.
A comment could have been added to the OP emphasizing the excellent historical safety record of the Big Spring meets...
Right up there with the excellent historical record of the one-size-fits-all Davis Link - until the afternoon of 2013/02/02.
...and perhaps mention that it does not require scratching in close to terrain in marginal or unstable conditions.
And perhaps FAILING to mention that it DOES require you to get on a launch cart with the cheap pro toad bent pin crap on your shoulders that Davis just forced you to buy from him with your only hope of reducing your risk of bad consequences being a loop of top secret fishing line tied with a top secret knot to make it more likely to break at its top secret rated breaking strength at the top secret time it's supposed to just prior to the point of top secret bad consequences.
Collectively, hang glider pilots are not particularly known for their tact.
Really? I actually prefer dealing with a Peter Birren calling me an asswipe than a Bob Kuczewski who constantly oozes copious amounts of tact the whole time he's trying to fuck people over.
So let's all bury the hatchet on this thread segue and focus on stopping this procession of tragic accidents.
Let's bury the hatchet in the back of Davis's skull so we can start making REAL progress.
2015/06/29 02:08:15 UTC - 3 thumbs up - mario
Dave Hopkins - 2015/06/29 03:24:56 UTC

took that post as a bit of an ad and a statement that flatland flying is safer. Although I did click it to get information on Big Springs.
I think that towing in strong thermal condition has had it's share of accidents.
Name one. Gimme one crash from the history of the sport that wasn't a consequence of towing:
- in obviously insane conditions or during an obviously insane cycle
- minus Hang 2.5 level basic competence
- using total crap equipment
- with some combination of the above
It gets my attention! We all need to be very focused...
Yeah. Just like the TANDEM INSTRUCTOR...
Jean Dry Lakebed Accident Report and Analysis - 2015/05/11

Although the tandem instructor had a parachute, no effort was made to throw the chute; it appeared that the instructor's focus during the lockout was exclusively on activating the release. the recent Jean Lake incident. Really hard to go wrong with FOCUS in this sport.
...on our method of launching and flying. It seems it's when several mistakes or inattention come together serious accident happen.
Mistakes, inattention... Yeah, those are the problems. Nothing really to do with incompetence, stupidity, criminal negligence.
We are all our brothers keepers in this sport.
But don't worry. Since T** at K*** S****** has been blacklisted out of the sport nobody needs to worry about being HIS keeper.
Stay sharp and be vocal when we see potenail problems.
Yep. Stay sharp and be vocal to nip those potenail problems in the bud.
Have you heard of the theory of accelerated risk syndrome.
Yeah, I think so. That's the one in which you use your glider as a crumple zone, right?
I think it fits perfectly for us aging pilots.
Got any ideas for eleven year old tandem students?
It points out the longer we stay in a risky situation the higher our risk of a accident.
So if we spend shorter times in risky situations we'll have lower risks of accidents? Lemme write that down.
The only way to reduce our risk is to fly more conservatively .
Or we can still stay for longer times in risky situations we can just fly more conservatively. Lotsa options for us.
You know> No old bold pilots. Flying will always be a risky endeavor.
All you Jack Show assholes getting all this down OK?
RPBC Flight Division - 2015/06/29 15:30:35 UTC

Yeah Davis, not really cool to be promoting your comp on a thread about a HG fatality...
Why, what's the problem? We haven't yet been privileged to hear the guy's name and one of the motherfuckers who was on site has told us that he's sitting on relevant information. Why shouldn't Davis do whatever the fuck he feels like and why should anybody be surprised when he does?
Davis Straub - 2015/06/29 16:31:55 UTC

Let's be very clear here.
We're clear as bells here, Davis. Clear as your comp weak link rules. Fire away.
I am promoting safer hang gliding.
As far as your aerotow industry bedfellows and liability issues are concerned? Fer sure.
Safer competition venues.
Like at the ECC last year when you were towing on an improvised runway in a gusty fifteen mile per hour ninety cross. The INSTANT John Claytor got his neck broken coming off the cart the Safety Committee made the competition venue safer by shutting it down. They didn't fuck around watching the next half dozen launches to see how they went like most comp officials would.
I am addressing the issues raised by this accident.
Yeah. Nine days after a hotshot topless pilot flying an aircraft that appeared to be for recreational purposes got killed equally dead and instantly in sled conditions after having done absolutely nothing wrong at one of those safer competition venues.
I point to a web site that promotes safer competition flying.
Fuck you, Davis. There's no argument whatsoever that Maverick bought it 'cause he stalled back into the mountain as a consequence of scratching too low and slow. That's a no brainer for halfway competent Hang 2.0 to eliminate as possibility. But both Bertrand at Ridgely and Zack Marzec at Quest just fell out of the sky for totally inexplicable reasons. We get no lessons learned or wake-up calls out of those. Shit happens. When your number's up it's up.
Zach Marzec
Jim Rooney - 2013/02/28 01:17:55 UTC

Well said Billo
I'm a bit sick of all the armchair experts telling me how my friend died.

Ah but hg'ers get so uppity when you tell them not to speculate.
We engage in a sport that has risk and that is part of the attraction.
If that bothers you, that is your problem, not mine.
Davis Straub - 2013/02/13 15:45:22 UTC

IMHO aerotowing is relatively safe compared with foot launching. I would certainly like to make it safer. What we would all like to know is what could we do to make it safer.

We have no agreement that a stronger weaklink would make it safer (again, I fly with a slightly stronger weaklink).
Suck my dick. You assholes who tolerate this piece o' shit running your comps and talking on your forums deserve everything you get - in spades.
2015/06/29 17:52:50 UTC - Sink This! -- Paul Hurless
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Tad Eareckson
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Re: instructors and other qualified pilot fiends

Post by Tad Eareckson »
Fatality @ Slide Mountain Nevada
Jason Boehm - 2015/06/29 16:40:45 UTC

you didn't address anything, someone died and you posted a link to a hanggliding competition, no discussion whatsoever, you addressed nothing, and promoted something
2015/06/29 17:29:41 UTC - 3 thumbs up - Paul Hurless
Christopher Albers - 2015/06/29 16:50:31 UTC

In full agreement with this assessment. Why some can't own up I'll never know...
I know.
Steve Morris - 2015/06/29 17:00:50 UTC


I've read enough of Davis' posts to know what he was getting at and that he wasn't trying to specifically promote a comp within an accident thread.
Nah, Davis is always looking at subversion over the long term.
Of course his point wasn't perfectly clear to the uninitiated reader but I understood what he meant based on his previous posts over the years.

I also checked out the comp registration site a few days ago and there were only five slots still open...
Step right up ladies, gentlemen, people of varying ages...
...why would anyone go out of there way to "promote" something that is already nearly sold-out? I don't think Davis is fishing for more entrants.
Like I said. The long vision.
Jason Boehm - 2015/06/29 17:04:24 UTC

Steve- "wasn't perfectly clear" seems like an understatement.........
So just balance things out by putting eight extra periods at the ends of your "sentences".
Davis Straub - 2015/06/29 17:12:36 UTC

Thanks, Steve. Nice to see someone with a bit of intelligence here.
A bit and no more. Anything beyond that gets real problematic real fast.
Paul Hurless - 2015/06/29 17:19:46 UTC

What Davis Straub promotes is Davis Straub.
Got that much spot on, Paul.
The link he put into this topic had nothing to do with safer flying.
And everything to do with turf control.
Davis Straub - 2015/06/29 17:29:44 UTC

Like I said, a bit of intelligence.
Figured out the difference between a bridle and a release yet, Davis?
Paul Hurless - 2015/06/29 17:32:21 UTC

This topic had NOTHING to do with competitions. Straub just wanted to get some of his usual self-promotion involved. I have also read enough of his posts to know exactly what he was getting at.
Ya really don't need to read that many. Just don't ever make the mistake of thinking that he's got the tiniest shred of character and you won't be confused or surprised by anything.
Paul Hurless - 2015/06/29 17:34:23 UTC

If you had exhibited more than just a bit then perhaps you would have resisted your totally way off-topic post.
He has just a bit. He understands he's dealing with a population so stupid, gutless, sleazy, and corrupt that there's very little he can't get away with.
Don't even try to sell it as anything other than what it was.
2015/06/29 17:45:20 UTC - 3 thumbs up - Jason Boehm
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Tad Eareckson
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Re: instructors and other qualified pilot fiends

Post by Tad Eareckson »
Fatality @ Slide Mountain Nevada
Davis Straub - 2015/06/29 23:03:03 UTC

Let me explain my years of working to improve the safety of hang gliding.
Nah, you don't need to go to THAT kinda trouble. Just list your all your successes.
For 19 years I have published the Oz Report which include accident reports and articles about safety.
Well fuck, u$hPa does that:
USHPA - Safety Articles
Fatality Reports
2013/02/02 - Zack Marzec

Zack Marzec (27), an H-4 Pilot with Aero Tow and Tandem Aero Tow proficiency as well as Advanced Instructor and Tandem Instructor appointments, and a USHPA member since 2009, suffered fatal injuries when when his glider tumbled during an aero tow launch. During the launch, at an altitude of 150 AGL, the pilot encountered an invisible bullet thermal which pitched the nose up, causing the weak link to break. Upon the breakage of the weak link, the glider whip stalled and then tumbled twice. The pilot and glider's leading edge hit the ground simultaneously. The pilot was utilizing his own pro-tow style tow harness, this own high performance glider with VG on, and was not wearing a full face helmet.
What of any substance did we learn from the Davis Show stuff that was missing or different from this version?
For example, I have recently reported on and linked to the accident in Nevada.
Damn. Just think of all the people we'd still have scratching low in thermal turbulence if it weren't for that effort.
You can also find my very extensive articles on the problem with pre-ATOSes.
Where? It's too much trouble for you to post a link or two to this seminal work?
Because of my articles all ATOS now have tails.
- Also because of your articles all barrel releases have bent pins.

- Wow! ALL of them! Not just SOME of them.

- For what is "ATOS" an acronym? It's Atos, Davis. Interesting that you've singlehandedly had such a profound influence on an aircraft you can't even spell properly.

- Did you actually recommend the design be supplemented with a tail?

- How many:
-- of these tails did you design, test, certify?
-- people died needlessly because their pre-Atosses lacked tails?

- When can we expect your very extensive articles on the problems with the Dragonfly tail being deliberately designed to break at below u$hPa recommended solo glider weak link tensions? Need some fatalities to get you motivated? Start with William Woloshyniuk / Victor Cox - 2002/08/17.

- Awesome. What percentage of the gliders at the comps you run now have:
-- wheels or skids?
-- releases which comply with u$hPa AT SOPs?
There are many other articles in the Oz Report on hang gliding safety.
I'm sure. But please don't bother telling us about any of them and the problems that have been fixed because of them. We're all still much too blown away by your part in the Atos modification.
The move to aerotowing hang glider competitions in flatlands.
And all of your extrajudicial equipment mandates:
- the 130 pound Greenspot standard aerotow weak link that had the longest track record in the history of hang gliding infallible safety devices
- the new mystery fishing line tied with the new mystery knot to make it more likely to break at its rated breaking strength
- bent pin pro toad bridles with bent pin backup releases
to make the competitions EXTRA safe.
I have been promoting these competitions which have become the the dominant form of US competition for over a decade.
Oh. They moved to the flatlands and have become the dominant the the dominant form of US competition. And you've been promoting them for over a decade. Really impressive when you start to think about all of the the people who would've died in mountain competitions if it weren't for you promoting the the flatland competitions. Really disgusting that u$hPa hasn't recognized you with an appropriate award like it did your buddies Peter Birren, for his easily reachable X-Acto Knife on a string, and Steve Exceptionally-Knowledgeable Wendt, for not starting to mangle and kill people with his easily reachable pro toad releases and You've-Got-To-Hook-In-PERIOD unhooked launch prevention training program until right after he got the award.
In fact the Oz Report started with hang gliding competition in Australia - in Hay, the very very flat lands.
- You mean the venue in which the best competition pilot in Norway was killed using the best aerotow equipment ever developed behind Bobby Fucking-Genius Bailey, the best tug pilot in the business, when the best front end weak link ever developed didn't break when it was supposed to?

- Ya know what, Davis... I'd have been a lot more impressed if the hang gliding competition in Australia - in Hay, the very very flat lands - had, in fact, started with the Oz Report.
I have extensive articles on wheels...
Davis Straub, inventor of the wheel. The surprises never cease. So what's your favorite style? I've always been a big fan of the round ones. But what do I know? I don't have any extensive articles on them. (By the way... How's your shoulder been doing lately?)
2015 Big Spring Nationals at Big Spring, Texas

So what wheel standards are you mandating? Couldn't find anything at that link. Or does anybody who wants to fly with wheels just get automatically penalized by the drag?
...on bridles...
Yeah, that's where I learned what long thin ones with lumps at the ends are the way to go if you wanna eliminate any possibility of a wrap. Polar opposite of what I'da thunk.
...and releases.
And you've kept us as safe as possible by refusing to let us fly with anything you don't sell. And you only sell the best...

On instruction, especially on scooter towing as a way to safely and quickly learn to hang glide.
It goes on and on.
You're not gonna say anything about the focal point of the safe towing system? The progression from the safest weak link in the history of aviation to the slightly stronger one you decided you were happy with very shortly after the Zack Marzec inconvenience fatality?
The point of my very short...
...misleading and substanceless... was very simple.
That very simple is very safe? To stay well clear of the homemade Rube Goldberg contraptions that spring from Tad's warped, fevered, perverted mind?
It is much safer to go hang gliding using aerotowing and flying in the flatlands, whether that be in Texas...
...or Florida...
...or Arizona.
What can be learned from this "scooter" towing accident?

Well yeah, Davis. Obviously. Despite the fact that in none of your babbling do you provide the slightest shred of data or anecdotal evidence to support that claim. But don't worry... You're just talking to Jack Show twats so it's highly unlikely that anyone will notice.
Of course, those who disagree with me are free to feel otherwise.
And the ones who haven't been banned by Jack and you are also free to challenge you directly on all your disingenuous crap.
You can find out more at the Oz Report or read extensively in Cloudsuck.
Cloudsuck my dick, Davis. You're a total cancer on the sport and the pursuit of safety/competence in it.

Aerotowing, as it is under the control of the total douchebags who've hijacked it from us, is ten times safer than mountain flying because the terrain at which aerotowing is possible is a thousand times safer than the mountain environments and there's just so much that you total douchebags can do to neutralize that advantage.

I dreamed of aerotowing a couple years before the technology to make it viable existed. Knowing what I do now about the effect it would inevitably have on the sport I'd have taken my magic wand and killed it before it ever got off the ground and learned to make do with platform towing.

Come to think of it... If the aerotow industry hadn't been around to kill it then Guido Piccca's radio controlled flying launch dolly would've stood a chance of getting into circulation and that would've been unsurpassable. Cheap, fast, doable by little grassroots operations, all dangers associated with hang glider towing eliminated, no tug pilot life to risk.


My first little sled down the dune on a trainer 1980/04/02 was an incredible experience because I was solo and Pilot In Command of MY aircraft. That was an experience I never once was able repeat and enjoy in my years of aerotowing. Always had aerotow industry fishing line as the ultimate authority over my flights and existence and the constant threat of some idiot head-up-the-ass gas junkie making a good decision in the interest of my safety.
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Tad Eareckson
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Re: instructors and other qualified pilot fiends

Post by Tad Eareckson »

Hey Jack...
'Lift and Tug Before You Get Off' - PSA video from Heli1
Paul Hurless - 2015/06/28 21:36:17 UTC

Tad is a sociopath and his only positive contribution to hang gliding was leaving it.
I thought you had a rule about no posts or links about Bob K, Scott C Wise, Tad Eareckson and related people, or their material. Or did you just mean POSITIVE posts or links about Bob K, Scott C Wise, Tad Eareckson and related people, or their material?

And now that I think about it...
HangGliding.Org Rules and Policies
No posts or links about Bob K, Scott C Wise, Tad Eareckson and related people, or their material. ALL SUCH POSTS WILL BE IMMEDIATELY DELETED. These people are poison to this sport and are permanently banned from this site in every possible way imaginable.
Why are you just IMMEDIATELY DELETING posts? It's your living room, you make up the rules, if people violate your rules why don't you just ban them and tell the people left in your living room WHY you've banned them?
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Tad Eareckson
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Re: instructors and other qualified pilot fiends

Post by Tad Eareckson »
Spooky third flight
Mr Pou - 2015/06/30 12:25:44 UTC
SE Tennessee

I do understand that evening air can be quite nice, but I'm pretty busy in the evenings as I'm in a musical (playing Andrew Carnes in Oklahoma!) and practices are most evenings.
William (Bill) Jennings, Jr. - Chattanooga - 96385 - H2 - 2015/05/24 - Christian Thoreson - FL CL FSL
That was pretty easy.
Substitutions made retroactively.
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Tad Eareckson
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Re: instructors and other qualified pilot fiends

Post by Tad Eareckson »
Welcome to, and policies of, the Oz Report discussion group
Davis Straub - 2003/03/04 02:07:45 UTC

I encourage quality posts, posts that actually help the reader and would be of interest to the readers. I discourage drivel, nonsense and lazy, just hanging around, here-I-am-with-nothing-really-much-to say posts. There are other sites that encourage such behavior, this is not one of them.

The Oz Report forum is not a campfire. It is not a place to hang out with your bud and have a beer while slurring your words. It is a serious forum for pilots who wish to write cogently and engage the intellect of others. It is not for everyone, and not everyone has something useful to contribute.
police were summoned again
Douchebob - 2015/07/13 23:41:15 UTC

Bob is now officially a 3 time loser. Arrested again on Sunday about 2:30 in the afternoon. Hot Diggity , have at it boys!!!! P.S if you really want to know the absolute truth about Bob, contact the main source and get the correct information !!>?? Call Torrey and ask? Sounds to strait forward to me. GH is pretty close in his perception but still not right on. Still sounds to simple, call Robin or E-Mail him and I'm sure hill respond to any meaningful questions!!!!
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Tad Eareckson
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Re: instructors and other qualified pilot fiends

Post by Tad Eareckson »

Thanks bigtime to a PM tip the Most Wanted List just got a bit shorter:

Jack Show:
Bob Sponge

Davis Show:
Bob Sponge
Paul Walsh


Also on The Mikkel Krogh Show but I've been locked out by that total douchebag.

Also this now dead end:

Paul Walsh

I've REALLY been wanting to get that motherfucker IDed for a LONG time. Any further info will be GREATLY appreciated. Will be editing all old relevant posts accordingly.
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Re: instructors and other qualified pilot fiends

Post by Tad Eareckson »
pro tow set-up
Jim Rooney - 2009/11/03 23:42:15 UTC

Ryan, Ryan, Ryan.... Hasn't anyone let you know that Tad knows everything?... and that the rest of us are complete morons?
Well Jim...
Whoops! Snapped another tip wand :-O
NMERider - 2012/03/14 15:17:14 UTC

Landing clinics don't help in real world XC flying. I have had the wind do 180 degree 15 mph switches during my final legs. What landing clinic have you ever attended that's going to help? I saved that one by running like a motherfukker. And BTW - It was on large rocks on an ungroomed surface.

Jim Rooney threw a big tantrum and stopped posting here.

His one-technique-fits-all attitude espoused on the Oz Report Forum has become tiresome to read. It does not work in the fucked-up world of XC landings and weary pilots.
Article "Pushing Out" Feb 2014 HG mag
NMERider - 2014/02/25 06:05:06 UTC

What part of:
...his rather nonsensical and too-often phantasmagorical version of physics and aerodynamics.
wasn't clear? Image
Ryan is a classic example of a superbly talented athlete who is ill-equipped to write a comprehensive training manual or academically meaningful text.
What happened to the org?
Mike Lake - 2013/09/26 18:59:57 UTC

On the other hand there are plenty of people who fly lots but still manage to spew out the most incredible and dangerous garbage to others.

This includes some of the "professionals" people who work in the industry and are therefore able to regard themselves as such.
They really believe they have a monopoly on knowledge and when finding themselves on the losing side of a debate resort to the old standby "This is what we do so f*** off you weekender".

I say good riddance to those nauseating, know it all, self indulgent "professionals" who have banished themselves from this site.
Seems I'm not entirely alone in that perception. And we're not hearing a lot of bemoaning of the absences of your participations in the discussions or clamoring for returns. We're also not seeing gliders being crashed like they were going out of style as consequences of your disappearances from all mainstream discussions.
I'll put Highland's (perfect) track record of over 60,000 successful tandem aerotows (yes, by this I mean ALL of them) against Tad's rantings.
But from the evening of 2013/02/02 nobody was the slightest bit interested in Ridgely's (perfect) track record of untold tens of thousands of successful tandem thrill rides. There was just ONE FLIGHT - majorly unsuccessful - that was being discussed. And that moved every fuckin' glider in the country a huge distance in the direction of Tad's rantings. Also turned the reputations of you two assholes to toast.
Remember kids... always blame the equipment.
Yep. That's pretty much what they did. One thing's for certain... That particular piece of equipment is now as dead as your ol' pro toad buddy is.

And speaking of Highland's (perfect) track record...

2014/06/02 - John Claytor
2015/06/20 - Bertrand Delacroix

Span of one year and eighteen days, two Hang Fours. Lockout on launch with Industry Standard safety equipment ends John's career and a sled run ends Bertrand's life. Wanna tell us who pulled them? You do both of them? Nobody did anything wrong so how come we're not hearing anything?

Throw in the deaths of two tug drivers - one a Highland cofounder - and Paul Vernon's severe brain mushing. And let's not forget your little unhooked tandem thrill ride at Coronet Peak and two and a half month free ride in the hospital.

You don't get to shoot your mouth off about Highland's great track record.

P.S. And nobody was interested in your fuckin' tandem record anyway. That bullshit has NOTHING to do with actual hang glider pilots - just like you and your scummy buddies and magic fishing line.
Steve Davy
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Re: instructors and other qualified pilot fiends

Post by Steve Davy »
Right of-Way question

Let's see how long it takes for the Jack Asshole forum idiots to figure this one out.

Five replies so far, and still no sign of intelligent life.
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