The Bob Show

General discussion about the sport of hang gliding
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Tad Eareckson
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Re: The Bob Show

Post by Tad Eareckson »

Hey Bob...

Got any idea how many hundreds of hours you put into sabotaging my efforts to get USHGA's 1981/05 hook-in check regulation implemented and enforced? All the grotesque misrepresentations of my position and statements; crap about turbulent jet streams and ten minutes satisfying the definition of "just prior"; aid and comfort given to douchebags like Joe Greblo, Rob McKenzie, Rick Masters, Sam Kellner; trivializations of the issue?

And then you pull the crap you did with Gabe Jebb and get us a regulation requiring all hang and para pilots to have a helmet buckled on at all times when clipped into a glider. Not one incident from the entire histories of both sports indicating a need, not one person from the entire histories of both sports ever previously calling for such a protocol, zero discussion on the issue, and - bang - it's on the books for the rest of eternity. If I wanna check my bar clearance for a new harness in my backyard on a foggy morning I've gotta put a helmet on or risk a rating revocation.

And now we have total fuckin' douchebag Rick Masters proposing that if it's discovered that any pilot took a single Blue Sky Scooter tow with Steve Exceptionally-Knowledgeable Wendt at any time prior to attainment of an Intermediate / Hang Three rating his rating will be revoked. If he's currently a thousand hour Advanced / Hang Four/Five and took the scooter hop twenty years ago his rating gets revoked and Steve Exceptionally-Knowledgeable Wendt's Advanced Observer/Instructor ticket gets shredded.

Not one of your Bob Show assholes - conspicuously not towing pioneer Bill Cummings or SouthWest Texas Sam Kellner - is calling this motherfucker on this. And you think you've got a snowball's chance in hell of drawing some kind of critical mass away from u$hPa?
Davis Straub's "Oz Report" Conflict of Interest
Bob Kuczewski - 2011/03/09 02:33:49 UTC

This is going to sound cold, but I believe people have a right to make their own choices. I don't want a "nanny state" where anyone is telling me what I can and can't do ... for my own good. The sport of hang gliding would surely not exist if that thinking were carried to its logical extreme. There's something bred into all living things that urges them toward taking some degree of risk in their lives. Those who want to forbid that risk are essentially snuffing out the human spirit itself. I can't support that. I do support information. I support good information. I support exposing bad information. But I don't support dictating what anyone can or can't do. The fundamental principle of economics (and evolution) is two words: "people choose".
Yeah, right.

Clever strategy. If your actual goal is to entrench an ultra-repressive totalitarian regime spouting off incessantly about honoring free speech and respecting everyone's individual choices.
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Tad Eareckson
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Re: The Bob Show

Post by Tad Eareckson »
HG Future ?
Sam Kellner - 2015/07/30 02:44:25 UTC

Future? Image Yes sometime I wonder too. I'm doing all I can to grow HG into the future..
One platform launch fatality at a time. Reminds me a lot of your local wildlife conservation efforts.
Last year a group of PG pilots came to Southwest Texas and extended the Will Gadd world record. 360?mi
I believe the HG record exists here also, 475mi Image Image , and has since '92, most of Larry's 300+mi flight was over Tx..
Preserving for the future, saving the seed stock of HG at Dockweiler and similar sites is all well and good. It is serving a purpose.
Now, if you want to grow the sport into the future, why not focus on where the world record flights are routinely set.
Because for Rick Masters hang gliding is about running off the earth into the sky and he doesn't need any help. PERIOD. End of story.
And if you/we want to grow US Hawks Hang Gliding Assn. .............................................................Miles and miles of Texas
Otherwise, I recall what Rick said about becoming a sewing circle.
I recall what Jonathan said about The Jack Show being a mutual masturbation society.
Frank Colver - 2015/07/30 03:35:11 UTC

I maintain that it doesn't take much skill to safely fly a hang glider.
Unfortunately there aren't any programs or instructors who teach those skills. They're eternally focused on teaching students how to land safely in narrow dry riverbeds with large rocks strewn all over the place.
Some HG pilot's egos may want to argue with that fact but it is a fact.
Pilots who have ego's aren't pilots. They're Orion Price caliber douchebags. Listen to what Mike Barber has to say about risk. Make sure to compare it to the crap Accident Review Committee Chairman, Very Experienced Tow Administrator, and Ace Stunt Landing Instructor Mitch Shipley spews.
If one has learned to launch, land...
Gil Dodgen - 1995/01

All of this reminds me of a comment Mike Meier made when he was learning to fly sailplanes. He mentioned how easy it was to land a sailplane (with spoilers for glide-path control and wheels), and then said, "If other aircraft were as difficult to land as hang gliders no one would fly them."
...control pitch, and control roll...
Best done upright with hands on the downtubes at shoulder or ear height.
...they could safely fly, under the right conditions, any site that is used for hang gliding.
Assuming they're connected to their gliders just after launch - which they always will just prior to launch.
What is needed beyond those abilities is good judgement and that is not measurable except in small doses.

What takes pilot skill is to maintain or gain altitude in weak lift or do significant XC flights in less than ideal conditions. Nether of which are directly related to being able to fly a site safely unless it requires utilizing lift to reach the only landing zone (I personally wouldn't fly that site).
Nobody does. Those sites don't exist. And if they did they wouldn't for long.
So if we have to have hang ratings they should only require demonstrating skill at launching, landing, and controlling pitch and roll (doing coordinated turns and counteracting turbulence).

I can see two ratings: Learning Basic Hang Gliding Skills (as described above) "LBHGS" and Hang Glider Pilot "HGP". So there you go US Hawks - your HG rating system has been defined.
What about mandatory ratings revocations for tow pilots?
Frank Colver, rating:HGP
Bob Kuczewski - 2015/07/30 05:20:56 UTC

Great thoughts on all sides.
1. From all the sides Emperor Bob permits to post, anyway.
2. Wow. Trying to remember the last time anyone on The Bob Show had a thought that WASN'T great. The Kellner Mirror was one of my favorites.
3. So you're totally cool with Rick's mandatory revocations upon conviction of felony scooter towing. Big fuckin' surprise.
Thanks. Image
Don't mention it, Bob. Image
Here's my 2 cents...

I suspect what will govern our policies more than anything else is...
...Emperor Bob and anything he feels like saying at any given moment - as per the past five years minus two weeks.
...the reality of what it will take to allow our US Hawks members to fly at sites like Sylmar, Crestline, Torrey Pines, Funston, Point of the Mountain, Henson's Gap and so on.
In other words... Go fuck yourselves, flatlanders.
In some cases, that will be direct negotiations with land owners, and in some of those cases they that will require some sort of protection of the land owner from liability. There may be many ways to address those concerns, but I suspect they will have an impact on how we certify our members.
Any way Emperor Bob wants. First and foremost - no unrepentant child molesters. Duh.
The shortest path would be for the US Hawks to use exactly the same ratings and standards (or even higher) as used by USHPA.
So maybe you're gonna tighten up on u$hPa's definition of just prior to launch? Which for the past 34 and a quarter years has been when the fuck ever.

How 'bout weak links? Gonna mandate much safer ones?
That makes it harder for us to be turned down - especially by governmental agencies which are not supposed to show favoritism. The farther we deviate from those "established practices" the harder of a time we'll have convincing land owners to allow our members to fly.
Davis Straub's "Oz Report" Conflict of Interest
Bob Kuczewski - 2011/03/09 02:33:49 UTC

This is going to sound cold, but I believe people have a right to make their own choices. I don't want a "nanny state" where anyone is telling me what I can and can't do ... for my own good. The sport of hang gliding would surely not exist if that thinking were carried to its logical extreme. There's something bred into all living things that urges them toward taking some degree of risk in their lives. Those who want to forbid that risk are essentially snuffing out the human spirit itself. I can't support that. I do support information. I support good information. I support exposing bad information. But I don't support dictating what anyone can or can't do. The fundamental principle of economics (and evolution) is two words: "people choose".
So much for the human spirit and all that really cool risk taking - like we saw at Jean Lake four months and three days ago.
This discussion is very good because it brings into sharp focus what the US Hawks needs to be.
A mutual masturbation society with total contempt for all flatlanders.
We can be a forum.
Just like the Jack and Davis Shows.
We can be an advocacy group. We can have our own hang gliding magazine.
Gonna have a monthly accident reports section the way Robert V. Wills and Doug Hildreth used to?
Platform towing /risk mitigation / accident
Sam Kellner - 2012/07/03 02:25:58 UTC

No, you don't get an accident report.
Just kidding.
But if we can't give our members the ability to fly their favorite sites without being members of USHPA, then we'll have fallen short.
And fuck Tad and his ability to fly his favorite sites. He's an unrepentant child molester AND a flatlander and Emperor Bob has decided that he couldn't be a member because The Bob Show needs to be a safe place for all its many zeros of people of varying ages to visit.
I can't say that I'm happy with that answer, but if anyone else has a shorter path to widespread allowance of our members to fly those sites ... please let me know!!
Yeah, let Bob know. 'Cause he's still the only individual capable of putting anything down in black and white. Just shy of half a decade and still going just as strong as he was on Day One.
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Tad Eareckson
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Re: The Bob Show

Post by Tad Eareckson »
Dangerous landing areas - Could you land a hang glider here?
Rick Masters - 2015/07/29 18:11:37 UTC

July 26, 2015

Could you land in this field -- IF YOU HAD TO? Image
Two serious accidents have happened here in July 2015.
Joe Julik killed himself landing a hang glider in a field like that at Whitewater ten months ago yesterday. No, wait. That was a towing fatality. Doesn't count. Sorry, do continue ranting on about what total assholes all paragliders are.
One helpless falling human broke his spine and leg, another suffered BRAIN INJURIES!
Must not have been wearing a helmet. (Right, Bob?)
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Tad Eareckson
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Re: The Bob Show

Post by Tad Eareckson »
Chapter Status for new Dockweiler Club
Bob Kuczewski - 2015/06/31 11:38 UTC

Unanimous vote and published reults in less than 24 hours!!!!!

Thanks US Hawks Trial Board!!!!!

Image Image Image Image Image Image Image Image Image Image
Yeah Bob, ain't the reults you can get on totally noncontroversial issues with a handpicked unelected oligarchy jerked off at frequent regularly scheduled intervals just wonderful! Looks like your guys are showing the kind of aptitude and cohesiveness required to tackle the Bob Show unrepentant child molester issue.
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Re: The Bob Show

Post by Tad Eareckson »

Bob Kuczewski - 2011/11/18 09:00:58 UTC

This is why people can't believe you Tad.
Well Bob...
Bob Kuczewski - 2015/07/11 18:16:54 UTC

I just wanted to offer a general thanks for all of the information that you capture and preserve on your site. I find it to be a helpful reference when all else fails.
Another hang check lesson
Alan Deikman - 2014/09/23 19:47:06 UTC

For my part I will just refer you to the classic Tad Eareckson essay which I call "the gun is always loaded" which is a bit overworked but probably all you will ever need to read regarding FTHI. A lot of people will find it gores their particular sacred Ox, but I have never seen anyone point out a flaw in his logic.
I'd say that people actually CAN believe me - not that this is or should be about people believing/trusting anybody or not. It is and should be about always working to provide the best quality information and analyses possible.

But in any case... If people can't believe me then whom are you recommending as alternatives?

Complaints about Tad
Rick Masters - 2015/01/16 18:59:15 UTC

He has concerns about people trying to muck up the forum, but he has also dealt effectively with Tad.
You think even the most rabid of your Bob Show groupies believes that you banned me to make The Bob Show a safe place for people of varying ages to visit? And list some people other than Bill Cummings who believe your statement that stalls are totally benign aeronautical occurrences.

Obviously you know you can't trust you 'cause you know what you're doing and why almost as well as I do.

Jim Keen-Intellect Rooney?
Kinsley Sykes - 2010/03/18 19:42:19 UTC

In the old threads there was a lot of info from a guy named Tad. Tad had a very strong opinion on weak link strength and it was a lot higher than most folks care for. I'd focus carefully on what folks who tow a lot have to say. Or Jim Rooney who is an excellent tug pilot. I tow with the "park provided" weak links. I think they are 130 pound Greenspot.
What can be learned from this "scooter" towing accident?
Mitch Shipley - 2011/01/31 15:22:59 UTC

Enjoy your posts, as always, and find your comments solid, based on hundreds of hours / tows of experience and backed up by a keen intellect/knowledge of the issues when it comes to most things in general and hang gliding AT/Towing in particular. Wanted to go on record in case anyone reading wanted to know one persons comments they should give weight to.
That motherfucker and everybody who's ever been aligned with him are toast. Thanks to a dream fatality and sustained coordinated attacks from Kite Strings he went from having the foremost credibility in the sport to so far down in the red that he can't even remember what black and gray look like.

Concerning Dennis Pagen

The only thing that the assholes aligned with him are worried about is finding out the identities of his accusers so they can take the same sorta retaliatory actions they did with both you and me.

Anybody wants consistent accurate information in this sport then Kite Strings is the only game in town. And as time goes on and devolution continues that unfortunate fact is only gonna get more and more solid.

And if you disagree then make a list of trustworthy instructors, schools, mentors, posters, authors, texts, resources and post it. And make sure not to include anything about towing because you have very little experience towing and under Bob Show policy towing is a dangerous fringe activity punishable by immediate and permanent ratings revocations.

P.S. I really wish I could have a sticky here referring people to solid trustworthy resources but unfortunately the only entities that resemble that remark are all already here.
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Tad Eareckson
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Re: The Bob Show

Post by Tad Eareckson »
Dennis Pagen topic
Sam Kellner - 2015/08/02 23:46:52 UTC


Please clue me in.
- Good freakin' luck.
- So you think there are Bob Show people who have actual clues?
- Sure Sam. Just as soon as you clue us in on the Terry Mason fatality.
What is up with The Ridgelift Guys.
Is that a statement or a question.
What is it they don't like about DP.
Not big on punctuation, are ya? Have you considered using a smilieImage You seem to be pretty comfortable in that mode of communication.
From reading the ozforum, BobK gets the blame for this too. ????? Image Image Image
There! Simultaneous overdoses of punctuation AND smilies. !!!!! Image Image Image Image Image I knew you'd be able to get it if you stuck with it long enough.

These assholes are birds of a feather. Both of them were involved in making sure my energy was properly harnessed to prevent me from seriously damaging our sport by having its dangerous practices addressed. They conspired to have my u$hPa membership and ratings effectively revoked, Bob had me banned from his show to make it a safe place for people of varying ages to visit, I listened to Dennis vote to expel Bob to make Torrey a safe place for people of varying ages to visit, I've banned Bob and prebanned Dennis from Kite Strings to contain their sabotage campaigns and keep it a safe place for people of varying ages to visit.

I don't have great hopes for the future of the sport but we've entered a period of open and widespread civil war as a consequence of the massive unsustainable corruption that's been ramping up for decades and there's no fuckin' way that can be a bad thing for the forces of integrity. Let's do everything within our abilities to keep the flames well fanned. The more bullets we have flying the more assholes we're gonna have going down. There's just not that much else available to hit out there.
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Tad Eareckson
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Re: The Bob Show

Post by Tad Eareckson »
Dennis Pagen topic
Bob Kuczewski - 2015/08/03 07:12:53 UTC

I only know what I read in that topic as well.

But whoever the Ridgelift Guys are, they're 100% justified in fearing retaliation by U$HPA after seeing what U$HPA did to me.
EVERYBODY's one hundred percent justified in fearing retaliation by u$hPa after seeing what u$hPa did to you. Everybody SHOULD've been one hundred percent justified in fearing retaliation by u$hPa after seeing what u$hPa did to me half a dozen years prior - and you were part of the u$hPa that did it to me back then.
Dennis Pagen didn't lift a finger to stop it.
You mean the Dennis Pagen you had agree to talk to me to bring me back into the u$hPa fold where my energy could be appropriately harnessed?

Fuck Dennis. Dennis has never lifted a finger to stop ANYTHING that was a threat to anyone but Dennis. He voted in support of your expulsion.

And you didn't lift a finger to oppose my effective expulsion from u$hPa. And you voted to expel me from The Bob Show and only permitted voting - and discussion - by the one person who was you.

And do you think that Rob Kells, who was a friend to every pilot he met, would've lifted a finger on behalf of either one of us if he'd still been around at the relevant times?

Sometime you oughta make a list of people who lifted fingers on your behalf and rank them in descending orders of effort and impact. Good freakin' luck figuring out how to keep Yours Truly off the top of it.

You're gonna turn five ten days from now and that's how much time The Bob Show Fake Board Of Directors has left to meet Emperor Bob's deadline for rubber-stamping Emperor Bob's imperial decision to make The Bob Show a safe place for people of varying ages to visit. Good freakin' luck as well with that corner you've painted yourself into. Any way that goes - support, rejection, inaction - you're fucked.

The United States didn't deal with the incompatibility and hypocrisy of slavery when they were getting things off the ground and four score and less than five years later it really came back to bite 'em in the ass. And that war STILL ain't really over.

Good freakin' luck with your efforts to define some flyers as subhuman and thus unworthy of rights, freedoms, protections, inclusion. Rest assured that I'm very well prepared to rip you to shreds with whatever you do on that.
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Tad Eareckson
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Re: The Bob Show

Post by Tad Eareckson »
Davis Straub's "Oz Report" Conflict of Interest
Bob Kuczewski - 2011/04/19 08:12:27 UTC


I believe Sam is using commonly accepted towing methods which are used at many other sites as well. I don't mind if you are trying to improve the state of towing for everyone, but I don't see why you need to pick on Sam specifically.

Maybe you do that because he happens to be here on this forum and that makes him a target of opportunity that you can reach while the people on and the Oz Report are people you can't reach. Think about what that means. That means you're effectively punishing Sam and anyone else who shows you the courtesy of sharing a forum with you - when they have other options. Is that helping or hurting your ability to effect change and save lives? Furthermore, why would anyone want to share a forum with you if that just makes them a more likely target for your blistering criticism?

Here's a challenge for you. I would like you to focus on describing better and safer ways of towing without attacking or belittling anyone. Every time that you resort to personal attacks, then that's proof that you can't make an argument on the facts alone. I'm hoping your arguments are better than that.

Just to be clear, I'm not issuing that challenge to shut you up or put you off. I'm issuing it because I believe Sam would sincerely like to use the best practices in his club, and if you can describe them without attacking, then that's the best chance for a constructive exchange of information.

Do you accept that challenge?
Tandem crash in LV (speculation thread)
Mark G. Forbes - 2015/03/30 23:29:59 UTC

Hi folks,

I understand the interest in learning the cause of this, but could we please not speculate on the forum? We have a very experienced tow administrator (Mitch Shipley) headed to Las Vegas to do an accident investigation, and when we learn what really happened we'll convey that information to our members. He'll be working with two of the local instructors there to get to the truth.

Meanwhile, please refrain from offering speculation or opinion on what might have happened, what might have been theoretically done to prevent it and so on. Emotions are raw, people are hurting, and uninformed speculation doesn't help anybody. News reports are of little use since they're written by people who have no idea how our sport works or what is typical.

Thanks for your understanding and patience.

Fuckin' CLONES.
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Tad Eareckson
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Re: The Bob Show

Post by Tad Eareckson »
Dockweiler Closing due to Loss of Insurance
Bob Kuczewski - 2015/08/12 17:54:27 UTC

Yesterday morning I got some very very bad news for the sport of hang gliding.

It appears that Windsports is losing the insurance policy that they need to keep the Dockweiler Beach site open to hang gliding. The closure will happen on September 9th, 2015.

Here's the letter that Joe sent around noon yesterday (August 11th, 2015):
Friends of Dockweiler Hang Gliding,

I'm afraid I have terrible news.
What? Another eleven year old kid get killed due to massive incompetence and negligence on another double fatal tandem thrill ride?
My insurance company has declined to renew Windsports insurance policy for the coming year due to a high insurance claims rate in industry during the past year. After 2 weeks of researching, my broker is not optimistic that I will be able to get insurance that will satisfy the county of Los Angeles as required in my contract to run Dockweiler.
Oh my God! This IS terrible news!
All of this in spite of a 16 year history without a single insurance claim from Windsports.
Wanna tell us about any of the claims resulting from Windsports PRODUCTS? (Yeah, I'm paying attention to what you're ACTUALLY SAYING, Joe.)
Nevertheless, it remains likely that Windsports will be required by the county of Los Angeles to cease operating the Dockweiler Beach site beginning September 9th.

Unless something changes, and it's unlikely things will change, hang glider flights at Dockweiler will become illegal under LA County Ordinance on that date.

This is of course devastating for Windsports, but also for hang gliding and the clubs, pilots and friends that have come to rely on the site, as the current structure of the hang gliding permit requires an exclusive, county licensed operator to manage and monitor all hang gliding activities there.
Like you...




Guess he must've been looking the other way during the previous half dozen skipped hook-in check launches we saw on the video as well. (Is this "Bob" person anyone we know?)
That operator is required to have insurance that is currently unobtainable through USHPA or any other source at this point in time.

Dockweiler Beach is a tremendously valuable resource for hang gliding as it is the only training location in the city of Los Angeles. Without it, it may be impossible for any hang gliding instructor or school to bring new pilots into our sport, thus leading to a slow attrition of hang gliding participants in and around L.A.
Ever considered scooter tow? No wait. California. Not an option. Sorry.
Windsports will continue booking and teaching students through Sunday, September 6th and the site will remain open as usual until that date. After that, I anticipate the site will be closed to flying of any kind as county code makes it illegal to hang glide or paraglide on any L.A. County beach unless in a county designated area and with a permit from the Department of Beaches and Harbors.

I have lots to try to do in a short time so I apologize if I'm not able to take every phone call or answer every email in a timely fashion. I expect I'll be using the SHGA forum to keep pilots aware of what transpires in the weeks ahead.

Currently there will be no changes in our mountain training operations.

All the best,

Joe Greblo
Windsports International Inc.
Joe has discouraged any finger pointing...
I would too if I were Joe and had his record.
...but from my first hand experience at Torrey Pines, I believe that Mark Forbes and Rich Hass have mismanaged USHPA's insurance program leading to what will likely be a widespread loss of coverage for flight schools in both sports. I say this based on the known reports they've had of the problems at Torrey Pines and their protection of that operation in spite of those reports. If that pattern has been repeated in other instances then it was only a matter of time until insurance was lost.

I am calling for the resignation - in disgrace - of Mark Forbes and Rich Hass for allowing this to happen.
And just how much did you do in the way of getting this sport cleaned up to minimize the chances of something like this happening? I mean besides getting Brad Geary's tandem ticket shredded for endangering the lives of people of varying ages and forcing everyone to wear helmets while baking in the launch lines?
Bob Kuczewski - 2015/08/13 01:24:32 UTC

We should organize a presentation to the County Board of Supervisors next week.
Can I come? I might have two or three items of interest to present.
Rick Masters - 2015/08/13 03:43:29 UTC
...high insurance claims rate in industry during the past year.
Like THIS:

Tandem joyriding accidents stemming from a small clique of "instructors" making a lucrative living are destroying the insure-ability of solo hang glider pilots.
Like the Windsports' tandem thrill ride operation at Kagel?
This represents the betrayal of the USHPA toward the lovers of free flight who founded the organization.
Fuck the lovers of free flight who founded the organization. They've been standing around doing NOTHING - AT BEST - for around four decades now.
The formation of instructor guilds was locked in by the USHPA by doing away with Special Observers who did not use schools to train new hang glider pilots.
And you all say the solution is to have as many hang glider pilots and soaring parachutists insuring the sites together.
You're losing the sport.
I want the old USHGA back.
Before the tandem exemption.
This is terrible
Dave Pendzick - 2015/03/30 17:42:41 UTC

This is not going to end well for us...
John Kelly Harrison - 55 - Nevada - 53375 - H5 - 1996/10/23 - Joe Greblo - PL TFL TPL AWCL CL FSL RLF TUR XC - ADV INST, TAND INST - Exp: 2015/06/30
Where are the Accident Reports for the two fatalities 2008?
Joe Greblo - 2009/04/11 15:16:54 UTC

Accident reports for both Richard and Jeff have been submitted to the USHPA. I sent one in for Richard and the SHGA has a copy in their files. I suspect accident reports were submitted by more than just one individual. For Richard's accident, I personally have a copy of the one I sent in and one that Rome sent. I'd be happy to share them with any current club member that would like to read them in my presence, but I don't think that they will be published out of deference to the families.

This is because accident reports are submitted by simple witnesses to the accident and not professional accident investigators. These witnesses are often other pilots, or simply spectators or passers by. The content often includes personal opinions of why the accident happened; opinions that do not necessarily hold true.

The USHPA often publishes summaries of accident reports in an effort to educate pilots as to specific dangers or accident trends. I don't know if a summary covering Richard or Jeff's accidents will appear in a future issue of Hang Gliding Magazine.
Davis Straub's "Oz Report" Conflict of Interest
Bob Kuczewski - 2011/04/19 08:12:27 UTC


I believe Sam is using commonly accepted towing methods which are used at many other sites as well. I don't mind if you are trying to improve the state of towing for everyone, but I don't see why you need to pick on Sam specifically.
Tandem crash in LV (speculation thread)
Mark G. Forbes - 2015/03/30 23:29:59 UTC

Hi folks,

I understand the interest in learning the cause of this, but could we please not speculate on the forum? We have a very experienced tow administrator (Mitch Shipley) headed to Las Vegas to do an accident investigation, and when we learn what really happened we'll convey that information to our members. He'll be working with two of the local instructors there to get to the truth.

Meanwhile, please refrain from offering speculation or opinion on what might have happened, what might have been theoretically done to prevent it and so on. Emotions are raw, people are hurting, and uninformed speculation doesn't help anybody. News reports are of little use since they're written by people who have no idea how our sport works or what is typical.

Thanks for your understanding and patience.
What was I just saying a couple days ago about fuckin' CLONES? Ya get what ya pay for.
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Tad Eareckson
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Re: The Bob Show

Post by Tad Eareckson »
Five Years Ago Today ...
Bob Kuczewski - 2015/08/13 14:59:29 UTC

Yeah Bob, another birthday, another year in which you haven't been able to trust one single non Bob member of your mutual masturbation society with one dust particle's worth of shared power down the toilet.

One member gone as a consequence of a platform tow at a shit operation run by a known and obvious total douchebag of a Bob Show chapter president, another as a consequence of a DELIBERATE suicide.

Tad Eareckson banned for the better part of four years now on the whim of Emperor Bob for being an unrepentant child molester yet still no pretense of a consensus or review and still nothing in the SOPs about screening for and banning unrepentant child molesters.

And Steve Davy still locked down and crippled in the Bob Show Basement for a bit under that - three and two thirds years tomorrow - 'cause Emperor Bob gets to pick and choose the individuals upon which he bestows rights of free speech.

Keep up the great work, Bob. I so do enjoy watching the collapses of Ponzi schemes and snake oil dealerships.

P.S. Do be sure to amend your Jeff Roberson to your Banned of Brothers entry for Kite Strings.
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