The Bob Show

General discussion about the sport of hang gliding
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Tad Eareckson
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Re: The Bob Show

Post by Tad Eareckson »
Leaving the US Hawks
Scott C. Wise - 2015/08/14 19:55:06 UTC

I regret to inform my fellow members of the US Hawks that as of now I am terminating my membership in the US Hawks. It seems that Bob and I are experiencing a conflict that simply can not be resolved. I hope that things go well for my, as of now, fellow members. Take care and so long.

Bob Kuczewski - 2015/08/14 20:10:53 UTC

Hi Scott,

Thanks for your 5 years of service and friendship to the US Hawks.
Joined: 2010/08/14 03:24:33 UTC
Five years, sixteen hours, twenty minutes, thirty-three seconds. Unless, of course, you figure in the activity gap between 2010/10/14 and 2012/08/24.
I tend to agree with your statement that we're experiencing a conflict.
Anything like this one:
Discuss Tad here
Bob Kuczewski - 2011/12/14 00:25:21 UTC

I've been polling some of the people who I thought might have been avoiding the US Hawks because of Tad. Here's part of one response that I got via email:
When I say that I want absolutely nothing to do with him, I am not exaggerating. The simple fact that he's on your forum means that I will not participate at all.
And while I wouldn't say that it can not be resolved, it does seem unlikely that it will be.
Bummer. There goes twenty-five percent of the Bob Show Fake Board of Directors members who aren't you.
I too wish that things go well for you, and please contact me or the US Hawks if we can help you in your flying or otherwise.
You'll always have a place in the Leakey platform tow operation.
Thanks again for being a founding member of the US Hawks.

Bob Kuczewski
And sorry I never found you to have the quality of character to make you worthy of trust for any decision making authority in our alternate national hang gliding association.
Training Manual Comments / Contribution
Bob Kuczewski - 2012/01/07 17:59:55 UTC

I'm looking for people who can work together to build an on-line training manual for hang gliding. Yes, that does require a certain amount of agreeability and willingness to compromise. The only Training Manual that Tad can build is the one where he has 100% control.
Good freakin' luck, Bob. Handpicked Fake Board of Directors member; founding Bob Show member; your copilot in the Bay of SGAA fiasco; with you hook, line, and sinker in the conflict with Torrey and u$hPa... And you can't hold that coalition of two together?

What have you got to show for five years in your experiment of fake democracy?
Davis Straub; Idiot Statist, Endless Wars & Tyranny
Warren Narron - 2015/02/08 00:52:29 UTC

The Hawks has no product. There is no there, there.
Bob Kuczewski - 2015/07/11 18:16:54 UTC

I just wanted to offer a general thanks for all of the information that you capture and preserve on your site. I find it to be a helpful reference when all else fails.
I have THAT much. And I, with little help from my friends, permanently silenced every snake oil salesman on the planet on the issue of the Infallible Standard Aerotow Weak Link and everyone in the US is now quite happy with the ever so convenient Tad-O-Link.
HangGliding.Org Rules and Policies
No posts or links about Bob K, Scott C Wise, Tad Eareckson and related people, or their material. ALL SUCH POSTS WILL BE IMMEDIATELY DELETED. These people are poison to this sport and are permanently banned from this site in every possible way imaginable.
You got it made mandatory - under penalty of rating revocation - for everybody to have a helmet buckled on at all times while baking in the launch line.
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Tad Eareckson
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Re: The Bob Show

Post by Tad Eareckson »
Review of Tad Eareckson's Ban from US Hawks
Bob Kuczewski - 2015/02/17 04:06:03 UTC

US Hawks Board Members,

I had promised Tad that a review of his ban would be brought before the US Hawks Board of Directors as soon as the Board was formed. So I am posting this request as the first issue to be considered for discussion and decision by the Board.

I am posting this as a member of the US Hawks (and not as a Board Member), and it is my recommendation - as a member - that the Board make the decision to defer this discussion for some number of months (2 to 6) so that the Board can get used to operating as a Board before making a decision that may significantly change the experience of all of our users on the forum.

Thank you for your time.

Respectfully Submitted,
Bob Kuczewski
Member of the US Hawks
I had promised Tad that a review of his...
...ban would be brought before the US Hawks...
...Board of Directors...
Handpicked by, including, and under total control of Emperor Bob. soon as the Board was formed.
Six months and three days and counting.
So I am posting this request as the first issue to be considered for discussion and decision by the Board.
I didn't read this crap carefully enough before.
I am posting this as a member of the US Hawks (and not as a Board Member), and it is my recommendation - as a member - that the Board make the decision to defer this discussion for some number of months (2 to 6) so that the Board can get used to operating as a Board before making a decision that may significantly change the experience of all of our users on the forum.
So after EMPEROR Bob PROMISES Tad that a review of his ban would be brought before the US Hawks Board of Directors as soon as the Board was formed, ORDINARY CITIZEN Bob recommends that EMPEROR (and FAKE BOARD OF DIRECTORS MEMBER) Bob's PROMISE to Tad be flat out overridden and reneged on using the naked pretense that these highly esteemed five individuals - including Emperor Bob - need to practice voting the way Emperor Bob wants them to before voting on anything of actual substance.

He requests that they make the decision to not (never) discuss making the decision. And with zero public discussion they've made that decision to not (never) discuss making the decision.
Davis Straub; Idiot Statist, Endless Wars & Tyranny
Warren Narron - 2015/02/08 00:52:29 UTC

The Hawks has no product. There is no there, there.
And this is with Bob, Scott, and Sam constituting sixty percent of the Board - three individuals I've told to go fuck themselves more times than could possibly be tallied in a month.

Precisely six months now, the upper limit on Citizen Bob's request to make the decision not to discuss making any decision, and not one punctuation mark's worth discussion on making the decision to not make a decision.

Mega sleazebag Bob's carefully worked out Navier-Stokes equation for denying justice for all eternity.

Joe, Bill... I've held off on you guys for a long time. But with the great power of being a Fake Bob Show Board of Directors member comes great responsibility. Doing nothing in the three and two thirds years while Bob pulls this travesty is aiding and abetting the motherfucker. So you guys can go fuck yourselves too. As far as I'm concerned you DO NOT have the right to remain silent in a self regulated sport and get a free pass.
P.S. - 2015/08/18 00:15:00 UTC
Thank you for your time.
What time? Show me a scrap of evidence to show me that a single one of these assholes is operating at a higher level than a cinder block.
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Tad Eareckson
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Re: The Bob Show

Post by Tad Eareckson »
Dennis Pagen topic
Bob Kuczewski - 2015/08/19 17:44:53 UTC

I don't quite know what to make of it. But I do know that Dennis never helped the Torrey Hawks in our struggles at Torrey Pines, and he's gone along with the Rich Hass / Mark Forbes abuses. I've purchased a few of his books in the past and I had a great deal of respect for him. But people who won't stand up against the "in crowd" don't hold my respect for long. It's a sad ending to his long and distinguished service to the sport.
I don't quite know what to make of it.
Big fuckin' surprise.
But I do know that Dennis never helped the Torrey Hawks in our struggles at Torrey Pines, and he's gone along with the Rich Hass / Mark Forbes abuses.
He voted for your expulsion. Pretty much the same thing the lying motherfucker did with respect to Yours Truly.
I've purchased a few of his books in the past and I had a great deal of respect for him.
I notice you don't say anything about...
AL's Second flight at Packsaddle how it went
Bob Kuczewski - 2011/10/23 16:29:29 UTC

As for Nobody's request for me to read a document, I haven't found the time yet. I'm sorry, but I don't have time to read everything that everyone asks me to read.
...having ACTUALLY READ any of the few of the Dense Pages books you've purchased.

Watch this sonuvabitch. NOBODY can:
- purchase a few of Pagen's books
- read them
- understand what he's saying and how it relates to reality
and come away a great deal of respect for him. When Bob says:
I've purchased a few of his books in the past and I had a great deal of respect for him.
that's EXACTLY what he means and not one iota more. He knows that the reader who's not onto his game will interpret that sentence to mean:

"I've read some of Dennis's books and found his explanations of aeronautical principles and issues to be enlightening and spot on and highly recommend them to the student pilot aspiring to get and do things right in this unique flavor of aviation. And I really respected him for his immeasurable contributions to getting and keeping the sport and its pilots on the right tracks."

Who the fuck cares whether Bob PURCHASED a few of Pagen's books? What relevance could that statement possibly have? If he'd ACTUALLY READ them he'd say so and nobody would give a rat's ass about whether he'd "purchased", begged, borrowed, or stolen them or checked them out from the local library.

You'll notice that Bob has never in his entire online record ever posted anything along the lines of:

"You're wrong about that, Tad. Check out the Performance Flying, Page 192, Paragraphs 3 through 5 for a really solid explanation of that issue and you'll understand why. And if not we can discuss it further and I can walk you through things step by step."

NOBODY references or quotes Pagen ANYWHERE (in a positive context, that is). Compare/Contrast:
Zack C - 2010/11/10 06:18:31 UTC

One more thing I'll add...I don't think of this sport as 'an art and a science'. Music and paintings are art. Aviation is pure science. I'm not saying feel and intuition aren't important - in fact I believe they are, but ONLY because they compensate for a lack of understanding of the science.

Flying is unintuitive and a reliance on intuition is dangerous. This is one of the main points of Langewiesche's "Stick and Rudder".
Bob Kuczewski - 2015/07/11 18:16:54 UTC

Hi Tad,

I just wanted to offer a general thanks for all of the information that you capture and preserve on your site. I find it to be a helpful reference when all else fails.
But people who won't stand up against the "in crowd" don't hold my respect for long.
Unless, of course, the "in crowd"...
Training Manual Comments / Contribution
Bob Kuczewski - 2012/01/07 17:59:55 UTC

I'm looking for people who can work together to build an on-line training manual for hang gliding. Yes, that does require a certain amount of agreeability and willingness to compromise. The only Training Manual that Tad can build is the one where he has 100% control.
Discuss Tad here
Bob Kuczewski - 2011/12/09 21:58:14 UTC

I've spoken with Tad many times on the phone, and several times he's made the assertion that his presence on this forum is actually contributing to the growth of the US Hawks. I do agree that Tad has brought some people to this forum, but at the same time, I also know that he's driven (or kept) many other people away. So I haven't been able to tell if his presence is beneficial or not.

During my recent cross-country drive, I had the chance to speak with Tad again on this topic, and he again asserted that his presence (and posts) were contributing to the growth of the US Hawks more than they were harming it. So I've decided to put that assertion to the test.

Starting today (December 9th, 2011), I've restricted Tad to only posting in the "Free Speech Zone". I plan to continue that restriction for about a month to see if that helps or hurts general participation in the rest of the forum. This restriction is not intended to be any judgement on Tad or on the value of his posts. Instead, it's intended to simply answer the question as to whether Tad's presence is helping or hurting the growth of the US Hawks and the US Hawks forum (a question he posed himself). At the end of the month, I'll review the results of this restriction to see if our forum participation (measured in posting rates) has increased or not.

All comments are welcome (either here, by PM, or in the Free Speech Zone). Thanks. composed of Emperor Bob's handpicked douchebags.
It's a sad ending to his long and distinguished service to the sport.
Motherfucker should be drawn and quartered. The only thing to which Dennis has a long and distinguished record of service is Dennis.

I've spoken with Tad many times on the phone, and several times he's made the assertion that his presence on this forum is actually contributing to the growth of the US Hawks.
And yet - strangely - NOWHERE from Yours Truly does a statement REMOTELY like that appear in print.
Tad Eareckson - 2011/10/23 13:05:24 UTC

(With respect to) Bob...

Yeah, I'm afraid I had been reluctantly reaching that conclusion for some time. And as of last night, it seems, we're on the brink of war. Oh well, whatever the case, he can still be beaten up just for fun. And he's given us so much really good ammunition.
But a month and a half later Bob's claiming that I've been boasting to him on the phone that he owes much of The Bob Show's outstanding malignant growth to my captivating personality.
Peter (Link Knife) Birren
Bob Kuczewski - 2011/11/27 15:49:31 UTC

Peter, I do think you should pretty much ignore Tad at this point. Tad doesn't really want to make progress in this sport. If he did, then he'd be doing what I've suggested above. Furthermore, I believe Tad is motivated more by some sort of twisted revenge than by any desire to actually improve the sport. So you cannot have a calm and rational discussion with him if you're one of his chosen targets for that revenge. Additionally, Tad has far more free time on his hands than any of us, so we're all at a disadvantage when trying to debate him ... whether we're right or wrong. Tad's single-minded pursuit of revenge combined with his abundance of free time may end up being the downfall of the US Hawks forum if we don't figure out a way to deal with it. I'm open to suggestions.
Not terribly compatible statements of yours, are they Bob?

Somebody quote me ANYWHERE ANYTIME expressing the least interest in helping Emperor Bob expand his fake individual freedoms based hang gliding association (cult). EVERYTHING I did there was wasted and monumentally misguided effort to get things on the right track.

Do not EVER talk to this motherfucker on the phone unless you're legally recording every second of the conversation. You're dealing with a scam artist and pathological liar who's constrained by the written record to misrepresentations, distortions, out-of-context quotes but when it's a 2.0 party unrecorded phone conversation he's got carte blanche to say whatever he feels like because his memory may not be perfect.

P.P.S. Bob...

You'll notice that as it approaches its five year mark Kite Strings has pretty much zilch in the way of other active participants.

In our early history one of my priorities was to identify individuals who were seeking and/or in need of help and bring them in. That's, in fact, how and why Kite Strings...
Zack C - 2010/11/23 05:23:34 UTC

In September of 2010, hang gliding safety activist Tad Eareckson entered a discussion on the Houston Hang Gliding & Paragliding Association's discussion group that would result in his being banned from the group within two months. But despite the controversy over Tad's 'arrogance' and 'condescending tone,' I was impressed by his knowledge, logic, and respect for science, which included a great deal of his own research and experimentation. My attempts to carry out a rational discussion with him were continually sabotaged and eventually aborted by other group members, many with little interest in or comprehension of the discussion.

I wished to continue the discussion, and I knew others in the group were interested in it as well. But Tad had been banned from every group he entered to date, so we needed a place of our own where knowledge was prized over personality. And thus the idea for Kite Strings was born.
...came into existence. And Antoine was the textbook target and beyond-wildest-dreams success. Got everything like THAT - took my stuff and improved upon it - and was in a position (mainly outside of the US, Canada, UK, Germany, Australia) to change a chunk of the world and do a lot of irreparable damage to the parts in parentheses.

Different landscape now. Kite Strings is no longer a very faint blip on the hang gliding / web radar. It's the elephant in the living room that the hang gliding establishment is bending over backwards to pretend doesn't exist. Anyone who's been in the sport more than a couple weekends and is unaware of or ignoring Kite Strings is exactly the kind of asshole WE - as PILOTS - don't want as a participant.

So Bob... If I have as little interest as I very obviously do in expanding the ranks of Kite Strings then just how seriously do you think people should take your claim that I was ever boasting in private telephone conversations with you about my power and success in drawing in fodder for your lunatic douchebag colony? If I'm so very obviously doing everything possible to prevent flyers from going up with crap equipment and/or under the control and/or influence of crap people then why, for the love o' gawd...
Davis Straub; Idiot Statist, Endless Wars & Tyranny
Warren Narron - 2015/02/08 00:52:29 UTC

The Hawks has no product. There is no there, there.
...would I ever dream of doing ANYTHING to increase the likelihood of getting anyone sucked into YOUR sphere of influence?
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Tad Eareckson
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Re: The Bob Show

Post by Tad Eareckson »
Dockweiler insurance extended
Mark G. Forbes - 2015/08/22 01:46:41 UTC

We've been able to negotiate an extension on the commercial school insurance for Joe Greblo's operation at Dockweiler Beach. That's good news; it means he won't be closing in September after all. I can't say any more at this time, but we hope to have a long term resolution in place before the extension ends.

Mark G. Forbes
USHPA insurance committee chairman
2015/08/22 02:03:57 - 3 thumbs up - Paul Hurless
2015/08/22 02:31:56 - 3 thumbs up - Sam Kellner
Great news, huh Bob! And let's hear it for Mark G. Forbes, our u$hPa Insurance Committee Chairman who made it all possible!

Image Image Image Image Image Image Image

Maybe you can get your Bob Show Fake Board of Directors member SouthWest Texas Hang Gliders Bob Show chapter president and close personal friend Sam Kellner to relay an expression of your appreciation on the Jack and Davis Shows.
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Tad Eareckson
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Re: The Bob Show

Post by Tad Eareckson »
Apply for a US Hawks Rating
Jonathan Yonetani (jaybird78) - 2015/08/22 16:02:16 UTC

hey guys my instructors name is Glenn Zapien his number is 209-543-4617 he can verify that my request for H2 is long over due.
Bob Kuczewski - 2015/08/22 17:35:40 UTC

I just spoke with Glenn and he seems like a super guy.
Don't he though! I think you should give him maybe five clappy smilies.
Image Image Image Image Image
Yeah! That's what I'm talkin' about!
I think things will work out fine, so please be patient. Image
And let's not worry 'bout the fact that this guy can't write at a second grade level. He's gotta be good to go for Kagel on a Bob Show ticket 'cause Glenn seems like a really super guy - five clappy smilies' worth at a minimum.

Lessee... We have this uber corrupt national hang gliding corporation monopoly that's been in total control of the sport and operating with accountability to no one since the beginning of time.
Fatal hang gliding accident
Sam Kellner - 2011/11/07 02:47:58 UTC

We don't need to worry about Al. He won't be having any fatal HG accidents. He sold his glider and harness last week.

After taking lessons for >2yr, platform, scooter tow, and the solo FL flight he posted here, none of the instructors would even give him a H-1.

I am not sure how much $$ he spent on training. He has enough experience to offer some good advice, he heard it time and time again from the instructors.

As pilot, Al even demonstrated scooter tow launches for the new students, yet that instructor would not give him a rateing.

After that first FL flight at Packsaddle, which included gaining altitude above launch and soaring the entire ridge, Al told me the instructor offered him H-1 for $400. or H-2 for $800. Image Image Other students got H-1 at the bunny hill, Al was way advanced beyond that point in training.
Bob Kuczewski - 2011/11/07 05:22:31 UTC

That's a bummer about Al. Image
I got a call from him just a few days ago. We didn't talk long, but I didn't know he was selling (or sold) his glider.
If what you said about the H$ rating is true, that's a huge problem that USHPA should be addressing. Ratings should never be sold like that.
miguel - 2011/11/07 23:25:03 UTC

Early on in my career, I was presented with the hard sell pay for your rating scenario. I had decided that the instructor was money grubbing and a few cards short of a deck, so I passed on the offer.
But somehow its instructor and pilot rating systems have remained so far above everything else that's been going on at all levels that all you need is a u$hPa number and a rating card and you're good to go for a rubber stamp for a Bob Show lifetime rating.
Zack C - 2012/04/26 12:57:28 UTC

No, worse. Wing area over total weight. I noticed the Sylmar club makes the same mistake in their web glossary.
The official u$hPa unit for wing loading is square feet per pound and a weak link is and does whatever Jim Keen-Intellect Rooney tells us but what the fuck.

No way in hell would I recognize a u$hPa Four as being worth the price of the paper inside of the plastic lamination.
Dockweiler insurance extended
Bob Kuczewski - 2015/08/22 15:01:43 UTC

Don't get fooled again...

It's certainly great news that Dockweiler gets another 6 months, but let's not forget that this crisis was created by USHPA / Mark Forbes mismanagement of the insurance program that we've been paying for all these years.

Joe Greblo has run one of the most safety conscious schools in the world. He didn't do anything to deserve this crisis.

Mark Forbes and Rich Hass should resign for creating this situation in the first place. Politicians are skilled at taking credit for fixing the problems they created. They thrive on the short attention span of the public.

Mark Forbes, Rich Hass, and Brad Hall KNOW that I've been calling for oversight at Torrey for almost a decade. They also KNOW that the unsupervised gross negligence of the Torrey concessionaire figured prominently in this insurance fiasco.

A 6 month extension at Dockweiler does not fix years (if not decades) of mismanagement at USHPA.
Hang Gliding Certifications | Torrey Pines Gliderport

Torrey Pines Gliderport does not provide hang glider training in the flight school. Advanced (H4) certifications can be issued by Advanced Hang Gliding Instructors at the Gliderport. During the spring of 2015, the Torrey Pines Gliderport will be launching a new hang gliding flight school. Most of the initial flights will be conducted from a payout and/or static winch system or at local mountain sites.
Torrey ratings are every bit as valid as Greblo ratings.
Davis, the other side of this story deserves to be told by those who know it best. Please allow me to continue to address these topics. Thanks.
And make sure to keep addressing them over on Davis's rag and legitimizing it and him.
Joe Greblo has run one of the most safety conscious schools in the world.
I'm so very sure he does and that you've got some data to support that stupid meaningless statement.
John Kelly Harrison - 55 - Nevada - 53375 - H5 - 1996/10/23 - Joe Greblo - PL TFL TPL AWCL CL FSL RLF TUR XC - ADV INST, TAND INST
If you have an ACTUAL EFFECTIVE pilot training program you don't put out a product like THAT.

His product launches unhooked and crashes on launch and landing at the same rate as Matt Taber's does. If any of these motherfuckers actually did anything of any significance they'd be pumping out top quality pilots who'd be recognized for their competence back to this side of the continent and beyond and they'd be your go-to guys for settling disputes and making sure everything stays on track.
Another hang check lesson
Alan Deikman - 2014/09/23 19:47:06 UTC

For my part I will just refer you to the classic Tad Eareckson essay which I call "the gun is always loaded" which is a bit overworked but probably all you will ever need to read regarding FTHI. A lot of people will find it gores their particular sacred Ox, but I have never seen anyone point out a flaw in his logic.
Doesn't happen. The guys who DO have their shit together are pretty much all over here and they tend not to get praise like yours shoveled onto them.
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Tad Eareckson
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Re: The Bob Show

Post by Tad Eareckson »
Dockweiler insurance extended
Davis Straub - 2015/08/22 21:03:18 UTC

I've Bob not to post again. I could block him permanently again...
With what justification?
...but have just asked him not to post.
Similar deal as I have with him here at Kite Strings. 'Cept I:

- banned his ass for pretty much nonstop, unambiguous, flagrant, and grotesque violations of policy clearly stated in the first two posts of this forum.

- unbanned him and restored full access under his original user ID.

- post any and all of his material he wants posted here - plus a shitload he undoubtedly doesn't.
His comments are not helpful.
1. To whom?

2. In stark contrast to all the comments of your Davis Show Dedicated Sycophants.

3. Watsamatta Davis? Can't trust your readers enough to determine for themselves what's helpful and what isn't?

4. How 'bout you and your pet cocksucker Jim Keen-Intellect Rooney? How helpful were your years of rabid deranged rantings about the dangers of Tad-O-Links and the lethal threats they posed to the pilots on both ends of the string? Wanna quote some helpful stuff?


Toldyaso Bob.
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Tad Eareckson
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Re: The Bob Show

Post by Tad Eareckson »
Dockweiler insurance extended
Joe Faust - 2015/08/23 02:51:14 UTC

Bob Kuczewski ( BobK, Bob K , Bob Hawk , Bob ) has been living the Torrey Pines situation for almost a decade now.

Bob knows things about the lease, and the City, and the Concessionaire, and the Soaring Council, and the Advisory Board, and the City Council, and the accidents, and the lawsuits, and the instructors, and the history that no one else on this forum knows.

No one can deny that Bob has been calling for independent oversight at Torrey for all of that time. In fact, when Bob was Director, he reported the exact same kind of instructor misconduct to USHPA that would end up causing the Hamby accident over a year later. USHPA did nothing to stop those problems that Bob reported; and it was only a matter of time until they caused a large payout from our insurance.

So, it seems that Bob has been the ONE person who's been right about the problems at Torrey all this time. If USHPA had listened to Bob back in 2009 and 2010 (instead of spitting him out), it's quite likely that the Hamby accident would NOT have happened and we wouldn't be losing our insurance across the country.

So, if there's anyone's comments that might be "helpful" it would be Bob's. That's not what USHPA wants to hear because they want to have been "right" about opposing Bob for 8 years. But history shows otherwise.

Furthermore, Bob has made many many posts on this forum. I have yet to see one single post of his that's been as foul as those of his opponents. Yet his opponents are still here and Bob is not.

Davis, whether you like Bob or not, if you want to get to solutions, you cannot exclude the one person who knows more about this situation than any of the rest of us. If Bob's presence causes some people to act badly, then they're the ones who should be removed.

Finally, I may not have read everything that Bob has ever posted, so I may be wrong about some of my assertions. If that's the case, please show us the very worst post Bob has made - the foulest language he's used, the strongest attacks he's made, the most uncivil that he's ever been. Please show us the outlandish statements that got Bob kicked off of the Oz Forum in the first place. And if there aren't any, then maybe it's time to reconsider why you're excluding the one person whose voice could have prevented this insurance fiasco in the first place.
Wow Joe...
Get rated
Jason Boehm - 2015/08/19 18:44:52 UTC

You ARE capable.
Bob Kuczewski ( BobK, Bob K , Bob Hawk , Bob ) has been living the Torrey Pines situation for almost a decade now.
1. Four extra spaces, two of them used inconsistently.
2. Everybody who matters knows who Bob is and what his screen names are.
Bob knows things about the lease, and the City, and the Concessionaire, and the Soaring Council, and the Advisory Board, and the City Council, and the accidents, and the lawsuits, and the instructors, and the history that no one else on this forum knows.
1. Try:
Bob knows things about the lease, City, Concessionaire, Soaring Council, Advisory Board, City Council, accidents, lawsuits, instructors, and history that no one else on this forum knows.
2. On THAT forum? But maybe not on another forum.

3. You have absolutely no way of knowing who is and isn't on that forum. Probably not real clairvoyant as to what unidentifiable individuals do and don't know either.

4. Why would Bob know anything of any importance about any of the above and not publicly document it? My goal at Kite Strings is to educate everyone within earshot to the extent that my getting hit by a truck tomorrow wouldn't be that big a fucking deal. The LAST thing I wanna be is irreplaceable - and the last thing I wanna have is important knowledge that will die with me. Why would anyone who genuinely cares about the sport wanna gear any differently?
No one can deny that Bob has been calling for independent oversight at Torrey for all of that time. In fact, when Bob was Director, he reported the exact same kind of instructor misconduct to USHPA that would end up causing the Hamby accident over a year later. USHPA did nothing to stop those problems that Bob reported; and it was only a matter of time until they caused a large payout from our insurance.
Platform towing fatality in Leakey, Texas
NMERider - 2012/06/19 01:36:26 UTC

The pilot had a brush with fate a year earlier:
This is very sad.
Gregg Ludwig - 2012/06/23 20:15:21 UTC

What is that saying?..."He does the same thing over and over but expects different results."
Bob's given nonstop aid and comfort to that perpetual serial atrocity in Southwest Texas. He doesn't get to point fingers at other operations - particularly at extremely high volume ones which haven't killed anyone.
So, it seems that Bob has been the ONE person who's been right about the problems at Torrey all this time.
1. Born in a manger under a guiding star?

2. It SEEMS?

3. Is there any way one or two of us muppets can acquire some of the degrees of the special qualities that permit these insights?

4. I did a pretty goddam good job of calling the 2013/02/02 safety device induced pro toad inconvenience fatality but:
- I was far from being the only individual who fully understood the issue
- I'm not hearing a whole lot of Jack, Davis, Bob, Peter, Cragin, Greblo Show people lining up to apologize to, credit, congratulate me.
If USHPA had listened to Bob back in 2009 and 2010 (instead of spitting him out), it's quite likely that the Hamby accident would NOT have happened and we wouldn't be losing our insurance across the country.

So, if there's anyone's comments that might be "helpful" it would be Bob's. That's not what USHPA wants to hear because they want to have been "right" about opposing Bob for 8 years. But history shows otherwise.
Terry Mason and Zack Marzec.
Furthermore, Bob has made many many posts on this forum. I have yet to see one single post of his that's been as foul as those of his opponents.
I've always liked this one:
What will keep the US Hawks from becoming another USHPA or HGAA?
Bob Kuczewski - 2011/12/28 20:18:03 UTC

Tad was (and is) an unrepentant child molester.
from Bob's own forum.
Yet his opponents are still here and Bob is not.
If Bob posts his responses on his forum Davis's rag will get fewer hits and will be better delegitimized.
Davis, whether you like Bob or not, if you want to get to solutions, you cannot exclude the one person who knows more about this situation than any of the rest of us.
Since when has Davis been interested in getting to any solution that doesn't benefit Davis and all the sleaze he stands for?
If Bob's presence causes some people to act badly, then they're the ones who should be removed.
Good job, Joe. Keep appealing to Davis's senses of reason and fairness.
Finally, I may not have read everything that Bob has ever posted, so I may be wrong about some of my assertions.
You should really check out a sampling of his Homosexual-Relationship-With-A-12-Year-Old-Boy spam over here.
If that's the case, please show us the very worst post Bob has made - the foulest language he's used, the strongest attacks he's made, the most uncivil that he's ever been.
See above.
Please show us the outlandish statements that got Bob kicked off of the Oz Forum in the first place.
1. Bob didn't "get" kicked off The Davis Show in the first place. DAVIS kicked Bob off The Davis Show in the first place - for the sole reason that Davis felt like it.

2. Where's your outrage about the circumstances in which Tad...

..."got" kicked off The Davis Show?
The Bob Show
Warren Narron - 2011/12/13 02:41:40 UTC

Tad, you are a train wreck and I've been to a few.
Your Davis Straub banning was more like being shot in the back by a dirty cop while Bob's action isn't even a banning.
So apples and oranges.

Pretty much, not the same.
And if there aren't any, then maybe it's time to reconsider why you're excluding the one person whose voice could have prevented this insurance fiasco in the first place.
Fuck this "The One Person" crap. Referring to Bob as "The One Person" is another way of saying that Bob totally sucks at educating people on fairly simple issues and concepts and building effective opposition coalitions - which he pretty much does.

For YEARS I was pretty much "The One Person" calling Jim Keen-Intellect Rooney a totally evil little shit and Pagen's focal point of a safe towing system as the most insanely dangerous fraud perpetrated in aviation's entire history. WE didn't take that crap permanently out of circulation until after I brought a small handful of key individuals totally up to speed on the necessary history, physics, engineering to the point at which WE could hold these motherfuckers in a sustained crossfire and keep blazing away until there was nothing left.

"The One Person" ain't never gonna cut anything and Emperor Bob sure doesn't need anyone reinforcing his delusion that he'll be able to accomplish anything of any enduring value with zero trust placed in anyone other than Emperor Bob.
Davis Straub - 2015/08/23 03:07:30 UTC

He has his own forum for his screeds.
Yeah. And his screeds aren't anywhere near up to the high standards of the anti Bob screeds of Davis Show folk-in-good-standing like Mark G. Forbes, Ben Reese, Scott MacLeod, Steve Forslund, Bille Floyd. Plus allowing Bob to participate in these discussions would put a serious strain on your dwindling reserves of ones and zeros.

It's absolutely astounding how good you assholes make Bob look whenever you engage him.
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Tad Eareckson
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Re: The Bob Show

Post by Tad Eareckson »
Dockweiler insurance extended
Ron Gleason - 2015/08/23 03:58:47 UTC

I agree ...

Please do not allow Bob xxxxxx back on the OZ Report
Why not? He writes coherently, he's at the center of some of the most raging controversies in the history of the sport, he has some totally solid points and a lot of support across the country, and the only people finding themselves reading him when they don't want to are the ones too fucking stupid to be able to figure out how not to.
Davis Straub - 2015/08/23 05:35:51 UTC

No worries, Ron. He has been warned.
Why? What's he ever done that can be construed as a violation of Davis Show "rules"?
Bille Floyd - 2015/08/23 14:48:07 UTC

That Never stopped the Bob dude, in the past ;
Never stopped me either - asshole. Doesn't now and probably never will in the foreseeable future.
...since Bob has that superiority complex...
Speaking of superiority complexes - check out Ron's avatar:


Remember what I said about the patterns we see in people who want their faces plastered all over the topics in which they participate? Hang gliding? Yeah, you can find a couple of fragments if you know what to look for.
...he will just ignore Davis, whenever he feels the need !!
Good. Fuck Davis and the assholes like you who enable and empower the terminally duplicitous motherfucker.
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Tad Eareckson
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Re: The Bob Show

Post by Tad Eareckson »

USERNAME: bobk - POSTS: 69 - JOINED: 2011/02/18 01:32:20 UTC - LAST ACTIVE: - 2015/08/22 18:13:20 UTC
Hi Bob.
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Tad Eareckson
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Re: The Bob Show

Post by Tad Eareckson »
Dockweiler insurance
Mike Moacanin - 2015/08/25 04:53:37 UTC
Site Admin

I'm locking this topic. The conversation has run its course.
Dockweiler Beach Closing
Mike Moacanin - 2015/08/25 04:55:02 UTC
Site Admin

Locking the topic. The conversation has run its course.
I'm a bit confused here, Mike, possibly/probably because I lack the degree of wisdom which is a prerequisite for all mainstream hang gliding Site Administrators. But if the conversations had run their courses wouldn't people just stop talking to each other? Why would it be necessary to lock the topics? What would be the point? Wouldn't your talents be better employed locking topics in which the conversations HADN'T run their courses?

"This horse is dead. Therefore I'm shooting it."
Michel Moacanin - Somis, California - 25125 - H4 - 1981/08/04 - J F Lucas - AT FL AWCL CL FSL RLF TUR XC
Arrogant cowardly motherfucking Davis clone.

Well Bob, if your position wasn't legitimized before it is now.
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