Dockweiler insurance extended
Joe Faust - 2015/08/23 02:51:14 UTC
Bob Kuczewski ( BobK, Bob K , Bob Hawk , Bob ) has been living the Torrey Pines situation for almost a decade now.
Bob knows things about the lease, and the City, and the Concessionaire, and the Soaring Council, and the Advisory Board, and the City Council, and the accidents, and the lawsuits, and the instructors, and the history that no one else on this forum knows.
No one can deny that Bob has been calling for independent oversight at Torrey for all of that time. In fact, when Bob was Director, he reported the exact same kind of instructor misconduct to USHPA that would end up causing the Hamby accident over a year later. USHPA did nothing to stop those problems that Bob reported; and it was only a matter of time until they caused a large payout from our insurance.
So, it seems that Bob has been the ONE person who's been right about the problems at Torrey all this time. If USHPA had listened to Bob back in 2009 and 2010 (instead of spitting him out), it's quite likely that the Hamby accident would NOT have happened and we wouldn't be losing our insurance across the country.
So, if there's anyone's comments that might be "helpful" it would be Bob's. That's not what USHPA wants to hear because they want to have been "right" about opposing Bob for 8 years. But history shows otherwise.
Furthermore, Bob has made many many posts on this forum. I have yet to see one single post of his that's been as foul as those of his opponents. Yet his opponents are still here and Bob is not.
Davis, whether you like Bob or not, if you want to get to solutions, you cannot exclude the one person who knows more about this situation than any of the rest of us. If Bob's presence causes some people to act badly, then they're the ones who should be removed.
Finally, I may not have read everything that Bob has ever posted, so I may be wrong about some of my assertions. If that's the case, please show us the very worst post Bob has made - the foulest language he's used, the strongest attacks he's made, the most uncivil that he's ever been. Please show us the outlandish statements that got Bob kicked off of the Oz Forum in the first place. And if there aren't any, then maybe it's time to reconsider why you're excluding the one person whose voice could have prevented this insurance fiasco in the first place.
Wow Joe...
Get rated
Jason Boehm - 2015/08/19 18:44:52 UTC

You ARE capable.
Bob Kuczewski ( BobK, Bob K , Bob Hawk , Bob ) has been living the Torrey Pines situation for almost a decade now.
1. Four extra spaces, two of them used inconsistently.
2. Everybody who matters knows who Bob is and what his screen names are.
Bob knows things about the lease, and the City, and the Concessionaire, and the Soaring Council, and the Advisory Board, and the City Council, and the accidents, and the lawsuits, and the instructors, and the history that no one else on this forum knows.
1. Try:
Bob knows things about the lease, City, Concessionaire, Soaring Council, Advisory Board, City Council, accidents, lawsuits, instructors, and history that no one else on this forum knows.
2. On THAT forum? But maybe not on another forum.
3. You have absolutely no way of knowing who is and isn't on that forum. Probably not real clairvoyant as to what unidentifiable individuals do and don't know either.
4. Why would Bob know anything of any importance about any of the above and not publicly document it? My goal at Kite Strings is to educate everyone within earshot to the extent that my getting hit by a truck tomorrow wouldn't be that big a fucking deal. The LAST thing I wanna be is irreplaceable - and the last thing I wanna have is important knowledge that will die with me. Why would anyone who genuinely cares about the sport wanna gear any differently?
No one can deny that Bob has been calling for independent oversight at Torrey for all of that time. In fact, when Bob was Director, he reported the exact same kind of instructor misconduct to USHPA that would end up causing the Hamby accident over a year later. USHPA did nothing to stop those problems that Bob reported; and it was only a matter of time until they caused a large payout from our insurance.
Platform towing fatality in Leakey, Texas
Gregg Ludwig - 2012/06/23 20:15:21 UTC
What is that saying?..."He does the same thing over and over but expects different results."
Bob's given nonstop aid and comfort to that perpetual serial atrocity in Southwest Texas. He doesn't get to point fingers at other operations - particularly at extremely high volume ones which haven't killed anyone.
So, it seems that Bob has been the ONE person who's been right about the problems at Torrey all this time.
1. Born in a manger under a guiding star?
2. It SEEMS?
3. Is there any way one or two of us muppets can acquire some of the degrees of the special qualities that permit these insights?
4. I did a pretty goddam good job of calling the 2013/02/02 safety device induced pro toad inconvenience fatality but:
- I was far from being the only individual who fully understood the issue
- I'm not hearing a whole lot of Jack, Davis, Bob, Peter, Cragin, Greblo Show people lining up to apologize to, credit, congratulate me.
If USHPA had listened to Bob back in 2009 and 2010 (instead of spitting him out), it's quite likely that the Hamby accident would NOT have happened and we wouldn't be losing our insurance across the country.
So, if there's anyone's comments that might be "helpful" it would be Bob's. That's not what USHPA wants to hear because they want to have been "right" about opposing Bob for 8 years. But history shows otherwise.
Terry Mason and Zack Marzec.
Furthermore, Bob has made many many posts on this forum. I have yet to see one single post of his that's been as foul as those of his opponents.
I've always liked this one:
What will keep the US Hawks from becoming another USHPA or HGAA?
Bob Kuczewski - 2011/12/28 20:18:03 UTC
Tad was (and is) an unrepentant child molester.
from Bob's own forum.
Yet his opponents are still here and Bob is not.
If Bob posts his responses on his forum Davis's rag will get fewer hits and will be better delegitimized.
Davis, whether you like Bob or not, if you want to get to solutions, you cannot exclude the one person who knows more about this situation than any of the rest of us.
Since when has Davis been interested in getting to any solution that doesn't benefit Davis and all the sleaze he stands for?
If Bob's presence causes some people to act badly, then they're the ones who should be removed.
Good job, Joe. Keep appealing to Davis's senses of reason and fairness.
Finally, I may not have read everything that Bob has ever posted, so I may be wrong about some of my assertions.
You should really check out a sampling of his Homosexual-Relationship-With-A-12-Year-Old-Boy spam over here.
If that's the case, please show us the very worst post Bob has made - the foulest language he's used, the strongest attacks he's made, the most uncivil that he's ever been.
See above.
Please show us the outlandish statements that got Bob kicked off of the Oz Forum in the first place.
1. Bob didn't "get" kicked off The Davis Show in the first place. DAVIS kicked Bob off The Davis Show in the first place - for the sole reason that Davis felt like it.
2. Where's your outrage about the circumstances in which Tad...
..."got" kicked off The Davis Show?
The Bob Show
Warren Narron - 2011/12/13 02:41:40 UTC
Tad, you are a train wreck and I've been to a few.
Your Davis Straub banning was more like being shot in the back by a dirty cop while Bob's action isn't even a banning.
So apples and oranges.
Pretty much, not the same.
And if there aren't any, then maybe it's time to reconsider why you're excluding the one person whose voice could have prevented this insurance fiasco in the first place.
Fuck this "The One Person" crap. Referring to Bob as "The One Person" is another way of saying that Bob totally sucks at educating people on fairly simple issues and concepts and building effective opposition coalitions - which he pretty much does.
For YEARS I was pretty much "The One Person" calling Jim Keen-Intellect Rooney a totally evil little shit and Pagen's focal point of a safe towing system as the most insanely dangerous fraud perpetrated in aviation's entire history. WE didn't take that crap permanently out of circulation until after I brought a small handful of key individuals totally up to speed on the necessary history, physics, engineering to the point at which WE could hold these motherfuckers in a sustained crossfire and keep blazing away until there was nothing left.
"The One Person" ain't never gonna cut anything and Emperor Bob sure doesn't need anyone reinforcing his delusion that he'll be able to accomplish anything of any enduring value with zero trust placed in anyone other than Emperor Bob.
Davis Straub - 2015/08/23 03:07:30 UTC
He has his own forum for his screeds.
Yeah. And his screeds aren't anywhere near up to the high standards of the anti Bob screeds of Davis Show folk-in-good-standing like Mark G. Forbes, Ben Reese, Scott MacLeod, Steve Forslund, Bille Floyd. Plus allowing Bob to participate in these discussions would put a serious strain on your dwindling reserves of ones and zeros.
It's absolutely astounding how good you assholes make Bob look whenever you engage him.